
by YMDavoust



Share your prayer intentions for your loved ones, and pray for the other intentions posted on this site ...Prayer is above all a relation to God.But it is also a way to become one body, as children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ and to pray for one another. Praying for our loved ones brings us closer to them, and inspires us - while carrying them in our prayer - to take concrete action to help them.Intercessors help local communities to pray for one another and thereby grow in friendship with God and in fellowship among members of that community. Simply, without obligation, anonymously….On Intercesseurs, anyone can:• Submit an intention (very simple, no registration required ...)• See and pray for the intentions of her neighborhood (the 20 closest to her). The intentions are proposed in slideshow with an icon and a biblical verse.Who can be interested in this application?• A parish that wishes to give the inhabitants of its city a simple way of sharing intentions that can be carried during a parish prayer.• A local prayer group (Prayer of mothers…) Some practical points:• The intentions are visible for 1 month then erased• Intercessors is completely anonymous and free. Be sure not to give details that would identify a private person for whom you wish to pray.• Submitted intentions must be approved by a moderator before being posted.